
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Make Millions of Dollars Using 5 Simple Steps

Google "internet millions" and you're likely to be bowled over by the number of websites rushing to sell you the latest secrets on how to make a million dollars before the weekend and all for only $49.95!!!!
Whew. Glad that's over.
Now, while you're not likely to make anything close to a million bucks in the next ten minutes, you can definitely make good money using the online marketing principles outlined in the latest book by Ryan Orrell. His e-book Internet Millions recently came out, and there's no doubt he's made good in the world of internet marketing. How did he do it?
Glad you asked. Here, in five simple steps, are the methods he outlines in his book.
1. Affiliate Marketing. There's a lot of buzz out there right now about affiliate marketing, mostly because of what Google has done with their AdSense program. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is simply capitalizing on the success of someone else's website by placing little ads for your site somewhere on theirs. There are different techniques for doing this, from embedding links in a blog to two-line ads at the side of the website.
2. Websites. Building a website is no easy task, and you've gotta have some tech chops to do so. If you've got those, it's still no guarantee of success, because in order to make money from your website, you've gotta have people visiting-a lot of people. There are some techniques to use to attract more people to your site, mostly in order to get closer to the top of standard search engine results. After all, when was the last time you clicked through 8 pages of search results to get what you were looking for on Google?
3. SEO. Sort of covered above, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it applies to everything from website design to product blurbs. Basically, search engines filter results based on how many backlinks you've got to your site (that's other people linking to your site). Using keywords (that's the terms other folks type in to Google to get results) and getting a lot of backlinks are key to a website's high traffic results.
4. eBay. It's no secret that you can make money on eBay. Finding things that people want to buy the world over and then finding the people who want to buy them got a whole lot easier with the advent of the internet. It's really no different from what the do on Wall Street all day long: buy low, sell high. The trick, of course, is in knowing which things are under priced treasures, and which ones are overpriced junk.
5. Email marketing. There has to be some reason why you get so many spam ads in your junk box for penile enlargement, and here it is: because a very, very small percentage of people who get those emails respond. The principle behind email marketing is simple: by and large it is free to send to as many people as you have email addresses, thus the cost is nothing. But, if you get a response, chances are it will pay for all the time you invested and then some.
So there you have it. Five principles that should earn you plenty of dough, although probably not by Tuesday.

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